Sunday, 20 April 2014

Venus Factor-What negative effects of indiscriminate diet?

Sometimes a person loses many grams in a short period, as a result of a diet to follow certain, after a period starts body weight stable or rapid increase of just eating a small amount of food, which refers to a system error,

which follow the food randomly and those systems and their negative effects, Specialist obesity and thinness, a member of the American Society for obesity, regimes unhealthy weight-loss depends on the delete random meals basic or drop food or focus on one type of food or asylum to the strict regulations of the very few calories.Articles Sources by Venus Factor Review

Therefore, you must know how to react body with these diets, it is natural to lose body a few pounds at the beginning of the diet, are mostly water and muscle, and then discovers the body plot, declares war and address this loss and resists so as not to lose more weight, knowing that the famine In-awaited,

then decides to keep and stick found in its vaults fatty acids, and thus become a process of burning energy in the body, the process is too slow, to the point of standing weight for what it is after a period of weight loss fast first, and here begins to lose hope of losing more weight, and often person due to old food habits, weight begins retrieves all over again.

 And sometimes up to more than the rate of fat, which it was before embarking on a diet, and this is precisely what we mean by "yo-yo" and its aftershocks.
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Confirms that it is very important to know that the proportion of muscle in the body of the biggest factors that help to burn energy and fat, including that diet random quick help to the loss of muscle as well,

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