Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Venus Factor Scam-Advantages of no-carbohydrates diet

The insulin level drops, which help the fat to release soon FFA (free fatty acids).
Since Katogenie state in the body turns to fat in your main source of energy, the above AGL end up being processed very quickly, "consuming up" the liver or muscles. The result is a decrease in body fat facts.

Limiting fat Katogenie diet Many More Information Here Venus Factor Review

There is a misconception that the kenogenie diet calorie intake has no influence. As in all other cases, fat burning, even in the Katogenie state requires a negative energy balance and you always need to consume less calories than the body uses.

The fact that no-carbohydrates diet does not prohibit the consumption of fat due to the phenomenon of being physically difficult to eat too many fatty foods do not contain carbohydrates: the body handles much better saturation of fat than carbohydrate.

Advantages of no-carbohydrates diet
The two main advantages of the Kato diet is the fact that, on one hand, due to the high fat saturation level, the feeling of hunger and it is minimal, on the other hand, the use of large amounts of protein to minimize the loss of mass muscle.
Moreover, it is often easier to stick to the kenogenie diet than having to walk counting the consumption of nutrients and calories.

 With this diet simply scratching their menu of foods containing carbohydrates and prepare a menu with main base in the flesh.Free Health News

The greatest enemies of the plated food belly

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